Seal of Lower Saucon Township
3700 Old Philadelphia Pike / Bethlehem, Pa 18015 / 610-865-3291

Police - Peddling and Soliciting

Lower Saucon Township

Persons desiring to engage in peddling (which is defined as “engaging in peddling, canvassing, soliciting or taking of orders, either by sample or otherwise, for any goods, wares, services or merchandise upon any of the streets or sidewalks or from house to house within Lower Saucon Township”) shall be required to obtain a license from the Township Police Department. The Peddling License Permit Application is to be filled out at the Police Department.

The application for this license must disclose the person’s name and address, his or her previous criminal record (along with a copy of a criminal history report obtained from the PA State Police at the applicant’s expense), the types of goods, wares, and merchandise they wish to peddle, the length of time they wish to be licensed, the type and make of the vehicle they will be using, and the number of persons assisting in the peddling activity. Only one permit per organization shall be required. Peddling permits issued by the police department will be valid for a maximum of six (6) months; and the fee is $100.00.

The permitted hours for peddling are limited to 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. No peddling is permitted on Sundays.

The Township Police will maintain a registry of individual property owners who have registered their property as a “No Peddling” property. The application to be put on this registry can be obtained here.

For complete information, please refer to the Code of Ordinances, Chapter 125, Peddling and Soliciting by clicking here.

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© 2017 Lower Saucon Township, 3700 Old Philadelphia Pike / Bethlehem, Pa 18015 / 610-865-3291